
Foto charles le magne group photo 2019

Médaille Charlemagne pour les medias Européen, Aachen 2019

| Aktuelles | Kultur | von Dr Martina Brämswig

On 23 May 2019, just in time before the European elections, the townhall of Aachen (Krönungssaal) offered its beautiful setting for the festive...

Photo from DCU GAN 2019

Sport and Cultural Exchange - the GAN 2019

| Aktuelles | Kultur

The international division of labour relies on mutual cultural understanding, integrity and the application of its values throughout the networks of...

Bärbel Stärz: Be One

| Meldungen | Kultur

Im Januar 2017 hatte Dr. Deja in seiner Funktion als Präsident der Deutsch-Malaysischen Gesellschaft (DtMG) e.V. die Freude, gemeinsam mit der...

DAAD-AICGS Research Fellowship in Washington D.C.

| Meldungen | Kultur Wissenschaft

VP for International Affairs, Dr Martina Timmermann, was awarded the DAAD-AICGS International Fellowship by the American Institute for Contemporary...

Dr Martina Timmermann DAAD-AICGS Research Fellow in Washington D.C.

| Meldungen | Kultur Wissenschaft Politische Strategie

During July and August TIMA VP Dr Martina Timmermann will work on a project exploring options for peace in Northeast Asia with a particular focus on...

Aussenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier lädt zum Winterkonzert im Auswärtigen Amt

| Meldungen | Kultur

On 12 February, Dr Achim Deja and Dr Martina Timmermann were invited by Foreign Minister Steinmeier to the meanwhile traditional Winter Concert at the...
