Bundesminister Altmaier zu Gast beim 99. OAV Liebesmahl
Am 15. März veranstaltete der OAV zum 99. Mal sein traditionsreiches Ostasiatisches Liebesmahl.
BCCG - Dr. Martina Timmermann on the British Chamber of Commerce
In our revolving world, we need to look for platforms that enable us to meet and exchange beyond the digital sphere. As human beings we still need to...
IAP of Bio – Economy of Malaysia and BioMalaysia 2014
17-20 November 2014. Dato’ Dr Achim Deja, TIMA President, participated in the launching ceremony of the fair BioMalaysia in Kuala Lumpur and in the...
TIMA at Meeting of the Minds 2015 conference in Richmond, California
Invited by Gordon Feller, Co-founder / Convenor of Meeting of the Minds and Director at CISCO Systems headquarters in Silicon Valley, TIMA VP Dr...
TIMA Impuls-Beitrag zu den UN GC Women’s Empowerment Principles
Seit mehreren Jahren veranstaltet die GIZ ihre Genderwoche. In verschiedenen Veranstaltungen oder Ausstellungen zeigt die GIZ dann ihre Arbeit zum...
TIMA International on the APK 2014 in Ho Shi Minh City
TIMA International GmbH , Dr. A. Deja joining traditionally the Asia- Pacific Conference of the German Business.