
What does TIMA stand for? Our values

Foto: Die UN in Bonn
The UN in Bonn (Dr. Martina Timmermann)

What sets us apart

Fairness and transparency combined with integrity, initiative and business harmony characterize our dealings with our business partners, employees and the public.

We see the central role of the people in the process of successful transition and therefore responsibly aim at integrating the existing structures with the new ones in all necessary measures in this process.

TIMA has been a member and active driver of the UN Global Compact since 2006. We are committed to pursuing and promoting the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact in all our activities (COPs). These principles include respect for human rights, labor standards within the ILO, respect for the environment, and anti-corruption.

Our TIMA Business Integrity is our self-image, manifested in the TIMA Code of Conduct  and our commitment to the 10 Prinzipien des UN Global Compact. TIMA is also a signatory to the UN GC Caring for Climate Initiative, the Water Mandate and the Women‘s Empowerment Principles (WEP).

What does that do for our clients?
For TIMA clients, our UN Global Compact-based business approach is paying off: It leads to process leadership through the successful combination of sustainability and outperformance and a corresponding return on investment (ROI).

TIMA Values:

  • TIMA Integrity Code of Conduct
  • The 10 UN Global Compact Principles
  • Water Mandate
  • Caring for Climate Initiative
  • Women’s Empowerment
  • Millennium Dev Goals
  • Business4Peace