What does TIMA do? Our areas of competence
- We coordinate accompanying entrepreneurial positioning from SME to MNE through your personalized entrepreneurial TIMA transition in decentralized value added for sector ecosystems for efficiency improvement with sustainability always in TIMA-EDEN-Cloud data structure principles. (EDEN-Entrepeneurial digital european network)
- In real-digital TIMA real-time relationships between employees from private entrepreneurial entities, scientific and public institutions, financial intermediaries and political administrations emerge in autonomous cloud networks – the "Future shapers" for individual and common good Innovation economics with valuable data network principles guarantee the TIMA network principles compliance with human rights ...
- Our services thus promote the sustainability of your measures on the path to successful value creation and outperformance in the future and contribute significantly to risk prevention in the global value chains of the industry ...
- With the 10 UNGC principles and measurable sustainability standards in the scoring framework, TIMA, as a global ethos ambassador, will accompany you as independently as independent institutional reviewers and provide appropriate scientific lobbying-free InNetMediation training for individual value and personality development in a transparent manner ...
- The TIMA cloud applications therefore include TIMA's Europe-wide trademark rights to ensure the autonomous and free use of all protected real-digital network infrastructures with the entrepreneurial protection of real-digital Twin Human Rights in all data lakes ...
- Our international and industry experienced team is at your side to find and implement your individual answers and solutions to the challenges of globalization for your company. We help you in the process of corporate transition from planning through implementation to the training of your employees ...